The copyright of the content (information, data) of this website is protected by Greek and international copyright laws and belongs exclusively to Webmate or its respective creator. The information published on the web-mate.gr website is prohibited to be republished in part or in whole, reproduction or dissemination of the content in any way or medium for any use is permitted only with the written permission of Webmate or the creator or owner of the copyright.

The appearance on the website of images, logos, names, marks, etc. representing Webmate or third party owners should in no way be construed as a transfer or assignment of a license or right to use them, given that they are protected by trademark provisions.

Any references or references (links) to other internet sites are provided for the convenience of the user. Webmate does not guarantee or be responsible for the contents, products and services provided (advertisement or sale) in these online areas.

Webmate neither guarantees nor is responsible for the fidelity and accuracy of the information the user receives through its network nor for the delay or inability to use its network or any errors during the transfer of data or information (destruction of files, storage of viruses, etc.).

Webmate expressly states that the user is solely responsible for the selection, storage, installation and use of the functions of the software products available through its website.

The use of the Webmate website must be done exclusively for legal purposes and in a way that a) does not hinder its use by third parties b) in accordance with the law and good morals c) in a way that does not cause damage to the services provided and to the network that provides and supports them.


Webmate places the highest priority on the protection of your personal data and complies with the current legislation of the Personal Data Protection Authority 2472/97 applicable to personal databases as well as with European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and is committed to the full their implementation taking into account the adoption of appropriate technical and administrative measures.

Webmate has taken technical measures to ensure the protection of personal data during its transmission, management and storage, but the nature of the internet is such that nothing can guarantee absolute protection. For this reason, you can contact us at our email.

Subscribe to our newsletter, contact forms and ebook form

On the Webmate site, users can subscribe to our newsletter, contact us through the contact form or our ebook request form. In these cases, your details are stored on our server, but also in an external newsletter sending service, for the purpose of sending informative and educational emails. In each sending, the recipient has the possibility to stop receiving further emails by selecting deletion from the newsletter list.

Webmate’s informative and educational emails contain tracking pixels that allow statistical analysis of the success or failure of each mission. From the tracking pixel we can see if an email was opened and which links were clicked.


For the smooth operation of its websites, Webmate uses cookies. Cookies are text files that are stored by the user’s browser on his computer. By using cookies, Webmate can provide services that would not be possible without them.

Users can delete cookies from their browser, but also disable them completely.

Collection of general data and information

When using the Webmate website, information such as the user’s IP address, browser, operating system, the date and time of each call to our servers, where they came to our site from, are collected and stored in server log files. (referrer) and other similar elements. These data cannot identify the user, but they are needed to monitor the smooth operation of our servers, to optimize advertisements, and to provide information to the authorities in the event of cyber attacks.

Statistical analysis of traffic data

Behavioral data on our sites, such as which pages are visited, stay times, from which site it came (referrer), frequency of visits, etc. are stored in third-party services such as Google Analytics for the purpose of improving Webmate’s marketing. This data does not personally identify users. These third-party services store cookies in order to function.

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